Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Catching up - Part II

The following weekend took us back down to the campus for an open house to celebrate SEGD's 30th anniversary (    A lot of people attended, as well as, a number of pups-in-training. It was a great event, and hopefully everyone learned more about how puppies like me can change someone's life.  I got to meet some really nice people, including a little girl that called me "precious"!  Precious, can you believe it?  I love it!

Standing around looking cute :-)

The trainers are waiting to take people on blindfold walks

Mom was guided on a blindfold walk by Derrick
and trainer Karen

Derrick was obviously a much better student
for Karen than I was...

People just can't resist a cute puppy

Getting ready for a ride in the golf cart

A brick in the Freedom Walk
in memory of Gizmo & Gadget



While we were there we got to see my puppy class trainer, Karen, as well as Jen, another trainer at the campus. When Jen saw me approach, she knew exactly who I was... uh, oh, that wasn't a good sign! The only time I've seen Jen was at my first puppy raiser meeting when I was 10 weeks old, she was there to make a presentation and I didn't even get to meet her personally. I couldn't imagine why she knew who I was. As it turns out, Karen had spoken to her about the issue that I was having with pulling extremely hard against my collar and leash, and Jen had a suggestion about how to deal with it. She lent me her dog Scortchy's (I hope I spelled that right) Easy Walk harness for the morning while we walked around during the open house. It didn't completely stop the pulling, but it did make it a bit easier for Mom to control me and at least I wasn't hurting my neck. Before we left we returned the harness to Jen and said that we would stop and buy one for me later that day.

Taking Scortchy's Easy Walk harness for a test walk

We left the campus and headed down to Ft. Myers to visit Grandma for her 79th birthday (oops, I probably wasn't supposed to share that part) and Mother's Day. She really likes P.F. Changs, and I think their floor menu is pretty good so we took her there for lunch.  Everything was going really well until I decided that I was bored and barked a few times. The good news is that everyone was done eating so we made a fairly quick exit. Sorry I don't have any pictures to share, Grandma doesn't like to have her picture taken.  Do you think she's a spy, or maybe in the witness protection program???

We had been pretty busy lately so we decided to just chill out at home on Sunday.

Check back soon for Catching Up - Part III (final chapter)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am always fascinated with guide dogs and I am planning to start a similar program here for our local dog owners community. Thanks for the informative article.
